Today our local movie theatre repeated the opera FRANCESCA da RIMINI (New York Metropolitan) by Riccardo Zandonain. This work is the composers best known work and appreciated as one of the most outstanding pearls in italian opera. The music is compared with that of e.g. Puccini. After a more facile start we experienced a stronger musical performance. As a whole the production and its storyline was easy to follow, the staging ambitious and the gorgeously decorated dresses in art nuevo style from the previous season dating back 27 years. The leading performers Eva-Maria Westbroek (Francesca) and Marcello Giordani (Paolo) performed well and from time to time we heard beautiful and more demanding arias.
Elämämme painotus on siirtynyt ympäripyöreistä työpäivistä ja lapsiperheen arjesta enemmän vapaa-aikapainotteiseksi mahdollistaen yhteisen aktiivisen harrastamisen; matkailua, valokuvausta, musiikkia sekä hyvää ruokaa ja viiniä. ************** The essence of our lives has changed from around the clock working days and busy everyday family life to a more relaxed existence. This offers us the possibility to share and enjoy our hobbies including travel and photography, music and cuisine.
lauantai 23. maaliskuuta 2013
Tänään Kinopalatsissa lähetettiin uusintana Riccardo Zandonain ooppera FRANCESCA da RIMINI joka on säveltäjän tunnetuin sävellys ja sitä pidetään yleisesti yhtenä italialaisen oopperan helmenä. Musiikkia verrataan mm. Pucchiniin. Meillekin musiikki välittyi kevyen alun jälkeen miellyttävänä ja se vahvistui esityksen edetessä. Kokonaisuutena produktiota oli helppo seurata, juonessa pysyi mukana, lavastus oli näyttävä ja upeasti kirjailtu art nuevo tyyppinen puvustus edeltävältä tuotantokaudelta 27 vuoden takaa. Päänäyttelijät Eva-Maria Westbroek (Francesca) ja Marcello Giordani (Paolo) suoriutuivat rooleistaan mukavasti ja aika ajoin kuulimme komeita ja vaativiakin aarioita.
Today our local movie theatre repeated the opera FRANCESCA da RIMINI (New York Metropolitan) by Riccardo Zandonain. This work is the composers best known work and appreciated as one of the most outstanding pearls in italian opera. The music is compared with that of e.g. Puccini. After a more facile start we experienced a stronger musical performance. As a whole the production and its storyline was easy to follow, the staging ambitious and the gorgeously decorated dresses in art nuevo style from the previous season dating back 27 years. The leading performers Eva-Maria Westbroek (Francesca) and Marcello Giordani (Paolo) performed well and from time to time we heard beautiful and more demanding arias.
Today our local movie theatre repeated the opera FRANCESCA da RIMINI (New York Metropolitan) by Riccardo Zandonain. This work is the composers best known work and appreciated as one of the most outstanding pearls in italian opera. The music is compared with that of e.g. Puccini. After a more facile start we experienced a stronger musical performance. As a whole the production and its storyline was easy to follow, the staging ambitious and the gorgeously decorated dresses in art nuevo style from the previous season dating back 27 years. The leading performers Eva-Maria Westbroek (Francesca) and Marcello Giordani (Paolo) performed well and from time to time we heard beautiful and more demanding arias.
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